Monday, October 25, 2010

Can I Do This?

Everyday, something in me wants to just tell it all.  Tell the stories.  Unmask myself.  But, that urge is quickly killed by an overwhelming amount of fear.  Fear of failure and success.  Fear of judgment and ridicule.... Just the FEAR of it all.  Can I do this?  Can I commit to it and be so open?  Do I want this?  Can I handle everything that would come along with it's success.....with it's failure?

I have sooooo many questions within myself about this.  With all honesty, I have already lost everything.  There is nothing left to lose at this point and I can only grow from here.  So, am I ready?



Unknown said...

You can do it! Some things aren't EVERYONES business, but if there are things that are within you (feelings, thoughts emotions), stories that you feel you need to share, I say go for it.

It's so freeing to have that release. We, women especially carry around so much pain and hurt throughout our lives afraid to share or open up for fear of what others might view us. Who cares what others think, all that matters is YOU and how you value yourself.

You already know YOU RHONDA are capable of doing ANYTHING you set in your mind to do.

Unknown said...

I meant to say HOW others might view us....Damn these typos. Lol

Anonymous said...

Fear is useless imagination and as a creative individual you have imagination. It's a tough road to travel but you are a tough woman. Handle your business!

BrightBrownGirl said...

Thanks you guys! I am definitely working on this overwhelming fear that I have to move out of this "space." I appreciate you guys supporting me through my madness! ;-)